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Vue 3 Reactivity - activeEffect & ref
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- Jack Fan
activeEffect & ref
Our Existing Code
let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)
product.quantity = 3
Adding another GET
现在如果加多一个 get,比如 product.quantity
console.log('Updated quantity to = ' + product.quantity)
它就会调用 track,然后去找 targetMap 等等,确保当前的 effect 会被记录下来
track(product, 'quantity')
这不是我们想要的,我们只应该在 effect 里调用 track 函数(track gets called when we GET a property on our reactive object, even if we’re not in an effect, we should only be calling track when we’re inside of an effect.)
也就是说,我们要能够对不同的 property,添加对应他们的 effect,例如这个 effect 和 quantity 有关,那访问 quantity 的时候,把与他有关的,现在正在运行的 effect 进行添加。
为此引入一个 activeEffect 变量,它是现在正在运行中的 effect。
let activeEffect = null // The active effect running
接下来就是剩余的中间的其他的函数,然后现在来完成 effect 函数,他接受一个 anonymo function,先将其赋值到 activeEffect,然后运行它,最后再复位。
function effect(eff) {
activeEffect = eff // Set this as the activeEffect
activeEffect() // Run it
activeEffect = null // Unset it
然后我们用这个函数来计算 total,然后删除原先单独调用的 effect 函数。
let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
effect(() => (total = product.price * product.quantity))
// effect() ----> No longer need to call the effect, it's getting called when we send our function in.
// ....
现在需要更新 track 函数,让它去使用这个新的 activeEffect。现在回到 track 函数。
Update track to use activeEffect
const targetMap = new WeakMap()
let activeEffect = null
function track(target, key) {
let depsMap = targetMap.get(target)
if (!depsMap) targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map()))
let dep = depsMap.get(key)
if (!dep) depsMap.set(key, (dep = new Set()))
首先,我们只想在我们有 activeEffect 的时候运行这段代码,其次,当我们添加依赖时,我们要添加 activeEffect
function track(target, key) {
if (activeEffect) {
// Only track if there is an activeEffect
// ....
let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let salePrice = 0
let total = 0
effect(() => (total = product.price * product.quantity))
effect(() => (salePrice = product.price * 0.9))
`Before updated total (should be 10 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.quantity = 3
`After updated total (should be 15 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.price = 10
console.log(`After updated total (should be 30 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 9) = ${salePrice}`)
运行这段代码,当运行到 quantity = 3 时, 他应该运行第一个 effect,当运行到 price = 10 的时候,他应该运行两个 effect。
Making salePrice Reactive
这段代码没有什么意义,我们为什么不用 salePrice 去计算 total 呢?
effect(() => (total = salePrice * product.quantity))
effect(() => (salePrice = product.price * 0.9))
这不会生效,因为 salePrice 发生变化的时候,运算 total 的第一个 effect 并不会运行。salePrice 并不是响应式的。(When salePrice is set, we’d need to rerun the total. But salePrice isn’t reactive!)
Using a refe on a single value
这里我们就可以开始使用 ref 了,它接受一个值并返回一个相应的,可变的 Ref 对象,其只有一个属性 value,指向内部的值本身。(Takes an inner value and returns a reactive and mutable ref object. The ref object has a single property .value that points to the inner value.)
effect(() => (total = salePrice.value * product.quantity))
effect(() => (salePrice.value = product.price * 0.9))
How to defin ref?
如何定义 ref 呢?
Use Reactive
我们可以直接使用 reactive。
// Use ractive
function ref(initialValue) {
return reactive({ value: initialValue })
这可行,但 Vue3 不是这样做的。
Use Object Accessors (aka. computed properties)
先了解什么时对象访问器(Object Accessors),也称之为计算属性(computed),注意这不是 Vue 里的计算属性,而是 JavaScript 里的计算属性 先看个例子
A simple example
let user = {
firstName: 'Gregg',
lastName: 'Pollack',
// Object Accessors are functions that get or set a value
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
set fullName(value) {
;[this.fullName, this.lastName] = value.split(' ')
console.log(`Name is ${user.fullName}`)
user.fullName = 'Adam Jahr'
console.log(`Name is ${user.fullName}`)
对象访问器就是获取和设置值的函数,这就是我们如何使用 getter 和 setter 的方法。
现在利用这个来定义 ref 函数。
// Use Object Accessors (aka. computed properties)
function ref(raw) {
const r = {
get value() {
track(r, 'value')
return raw
set value(newVal) {
raw = newVal
trigger(r, 'value')
return r
let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let salePrice = 0
let total = 0
effect(() => (total = salePrice.value * product.quantity))
effect(() => (salePrice.value = product.price * 0.9))
`Before updated total (should be 10 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.quantity = 3
`After updated total (should be 13.5 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.price = 10
console.log(`After updated total (should be 27 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 9) = ${salePrice}`)
计算 quantity = 3 的时候,运行第一个 effect 来更新 total。
当更新价格的时候,它会运行 effect 更新 salePrice。这个时候,salePrice 更新触发 effect 运算新的 total。