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Vue 3 Reactivity - Computed & Vue3 Source

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    Jack Fan

Computed & Vue3 Source

Our Existing Code

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let salePrice = 0
let total = 0

effect(() => (total = salePrice.value * product.quantity))
effect(() => (salePrice.value = product.price * 0.9))

这是我们现在的代码,可以看到我们用了两个 effect,如果这是 Vue3,为什么不使用 computed 呢?

Now with Computed Properties

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let salePrice = computed(() => (total = salePrice.value * product.quantity))
let total = computed(() => (salePrice.value = product.price * 0.9))

如何定义 computed 方法?他让对象也同样是响应式的,和 ref 一样

Defining Computed Property

首先可以明确,computed 要接受一个参数 getter,作为初始值。

其次他要创建一个响应式的值,叫 result。

在 effect 中运行 getter,因为我们需要监听响应值。

最后返回 result。

function computed(getter) {
  // Create a reactive reference called result
  let result = ref()
  // Run the getter in an effect() whichsets the result.value
  effect(() => (result.value = getter()))
  // Return result
  return result
let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let salePrice = computed(() => (total = salePrice.value * product.quantity))
let total = computed(() => (salePrice.value = product.price * 0.9))

  `Before updated total (should be 10 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.quantity = 3

  `After updated total (should be 13.5 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 4.5) = ${salePrice}`
product.price = 10
console.log(`After updated total (should be 27 ) = ${total} salePrice (should be 9) = ${salePrice}`)

现在我们重新测试,这一段测试代码的输出内容应该和之前相同,我们的 computed 属性应该要正常运行。

Vue 3 Reactivity - Vue 3 Reactivity | Vue Mastery